Instructions for fitting Scitsu Tachometers
The tachometer should always be mounted on the rubber anti
vibration mounts supplied with the metal mounting bracket. No
further flexible mounting of this bracket is necessary. Do not
reform the metal bracket when fitting the tachometer. Try to
avoid things coming into contact with the Tachometer i.e.;
fairing brackets cables, handlebars etc.(especially when turned
from lock to lock).
The sensor lead from the tachometer should be fed in a direct
but easy route to the High Tension leads. The sensor lead is then
taped to the side of the High Tension lead or leads,(see
specification sheet for your model) for approximately 5 to 8
centimetres. Any excess sensor lead beyond that required should
not be coiled or folded but should be cut off.
Tachometers are normally sent out fully charged and provided
the dummy jack plug is replaced when the machine is not in use,
the internal Ni-cad batteries should last up to 12 working hours.
Therefore keep the jack plug in when the engine is not running.
Do not run the engine with the Jack Plug in. In very wet weather
it is wise to cover the socket hole with water proof tape.
It is very important to use only the charge lead supplied as
this has a system within it to control voltage to that required.
Using any other than the charge lead supplied could be dangerous,
even causing an explosion of the batteries, and damage your
Tachometer resulting in expensive repairs. To recharge the
Tachometer, first remove the dummy Jack plug in the side of the
Tachometer, insert the charge lead plug and connect the crocodile
clips of the charge lead to a 12 volt battery (Red - positive,
black - negative). Do not use any other charging source such as
battery chargers, generator etc. If connected to a vehicle do not
have the engine running while the Tachometer battery is charging.
The Tachometer batteries require approximately. 12 hours for
normal recharge after say 6 hours actual usage and if allowed to
go totally flat-(not to be advised as Ni-cads can reverse their
polarity) it may require as long as 24 hours to recharge. If no
response is gained from recharging. the tachometer should be
returned for replacement batteries or repair.
Do not try to get inside the Tachometer as this causes
irreparable damage to sensitive components and invalidates any
1. Vibration is the worst enemy of any accurate instrument.
Always avoid any extended or flexible brackets beyond those
supplied with the Tachometer.
2. Do not leave the dummy plug out more than necessary.
3. Do not double up or coil your sensor lead or High Tension
4. In case of wet weather cover the Jack plug socket with
waterproof tape to prevent ingress or water.
Repair service
Damaged Tachometers can often be repaired at a reasonable
price depending on the extent of damage. All tachometers sent
back for this service should be sent complete with its mounting
bracket and anti vibration mountings as these help in diagnosis.
If no bracket is returned it will be assumed it has not been
fitted in accordance with our instructions. This invalidates any
warranty and new ones may be fitted and charged for.
Charging is done in the normal way using the special charging
lead supplied.